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Lady Shadow

A member registered Aug 19, 2016

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(1 edit)

Hey! I'm sorry in advance for replying in english but I haven't practiced my french in years so I wouldn't be able to communicate well ^^'.

So, I gave your game a go. What really attracted me was the illustrated graphics. The world you've created is fascinating, enchanted and displays great imagination! I was intrigued by the looks of it rather than the story, since all I knew about it was that it was a puzzle platformer.

Other than that, while playing the game, I was mindblown by the fact that you can get help from the animals in order to advance in your journey. A very fun mechanic which could lead to very complex puzzles, eventually!

The controls were a bit wonky. The keybinds used are not the most conventional, so I would suggest an in-game keybind section where the player can at least change the keybinds without having to leave the game. There's also a few bugs here and there, like the spirit bond getting tangled in some rocks on the ground or enemies' pathing being disturbed when they kill the character we play as or the animals, but nothing major. I'd say a job well done! I can't to see more of your magical sceneries in the future.

Here's my gameplay of your game. I hope you'll enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed playing it!

Thank YOU for the great game that this is evolving into. Best of luck! :)

The concept of the game is amazing! I knew I'd have to make choices that mattered, therefore I got really scared when I started feeling more involved with some characters. That's the magic of choice-based games and I think Beholder delivers it well. My only problem worth mentioning here (I sent more feedback on the beta survey) is that the wording was a bit off at times, I had to actually stop for a second and reconsider what I read so I can understand what's happening in some quests.

I created a gameplay of Beholder, I hope it gives the game justice. Added a bit of humor to lighten the mood, because it really is a dark-themed game.

(5 edits)

I really enjoyed the game- and this comes from someone who is rarely pleased with games. I did misunderstand the plot since the beginning but figured it out while editing the said video. My only problem was that I didn't quite understand the ending; i did make some assumptions, but I am pretty sure they were incorrect. On the other hand, there might be some context I am missing. Here's my humble gameplay, keep up with the high quality games!